Quilting and Stuff by Knitnoid

Diamond Links



Diamond Links is a Dorothy Young pattern that I started in 2007, but didn’t get the borders on until 2012. It was also in 2012 that rented time on a long arm to quilt it, but never finished. I only lacked 2-1/2 to 3 rows, plus the borders — which I was planning to quilt on my DSM. So, here we are 3 years later and I’m gettin’ it done.

I didn’t have a really good plan on how I was going to quilt this quilt, so there are ‘chains’, ‘continuous’ stitching and a bit of stitch in the ditch for traveling. The yellow pins are marking the rows where I’ve finished the chains and continuous stitching. I still have to figure out the traveling stitches, possibly something for the white square between the red chains and of course the borders.

My goal is to have this finished by the end of the week, but it may be more realistic to set the goal for the the end of the month.

One Thought on “Diamond Links

  1. I have 2 small versions of this quilt. I didn’t make the big one. 2007 huh? I guess it’s time to get mine finished too.

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