My local quilt shop, Heritage Fine Fabrics is using the book Kansas Spirit and Kansas Troubles fabrics for a Block of the Month. I’m making the store sample blocks. The first 3 blocks were made in October or November and this week I’m working on the second 3 blocks.
The first two this week went together really well. Which was good, as it was late. I decided to go to bed before working on the 3rd block. This morning I discovered it was Corn and Beans. Oh, I am so glad I didn’t decide to work on this block while I was tired.
Blocks cut with 7/8s mesaurements, squares cut on the diagonal and flying geese made with a large square and 4 small squares – a technique I’ve only read about. Deciding I didn’t want to use ‘real’ fabric, I pulled fabrics for a test block. Recently one one of the many lists I’m on, it was suggested that when making sample blocks, use a collection of fabrics so at some point down the line you’ll have enough blocks to make a quilt top. It seems like a good idea, so I pulled fabrics which together read ‘Christmas’ to me. I’ve got a Christmas sampler in progress (going on 4 or 5 years now) that I want to make bigger than the pattern, so I’ll toss this block into the mix.
Anyway, the block is done. It’s definately ‘fiddly’. Friday we’ll make a decision if we are going to use this block or pick one of the others in the book — an option since we are only doing 12 and there are 15 in the book.