Quilting and Stuff by Knitnoid

40 Day Challenge – Day 28 & 29

June 30th & July 1st were very busy at work.  I was on the phone non-stop from the time I got to my desk (2 hrs early yesterday) until I was finally able to step away (2 hrs late yesterday). Yes, July 1st was a 13 hour day as I did not get a break for lunch.  Needless to say I got very little done on the quilting front.

Wednesday I did determine what I needed to complete my extra 16 blocks.  I have “kits” which were cut and pieced to a point for the side triangles which I am going to use for my blocks.  I had to cut more neutral squares and will need more black & blue 4-patches. Yesterday I determined how many more  I’ll need for the rest of the quilt and started cutting my strips. when I cut 2 strips for the 4-patches from the same fabric instead of a wide strip for the geese, I decided I was too tired to continue and set my cutter down.  I was asleep by 8:30.

This picture was taken this morning (Friday). Today I plan to get the 4-patches done and start sewing the remaining blocks together. I was up early again because I went to bed so early, so perhaps a mid-day nap will get me back on track.  Waking up at 5 AM is just too early for me.


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