Ten days left in my 40 Day Challenge and I probably should have put the binding on the baby 4-Patch Stacked Posy quilt then the only thing left would be Frolic. Perhaps I’ll do that tomorrow. Today, I finished 8 more blocks to Frolic. You’ll notice there are a few smaller blocks on the wall. Those are the first blocks from the 2020-2021 Quiltville Leader/Ender Project – Easy Breezy.
Bonnie posted 2 different sizes and I’ve opted for the smaller 4 -1/2 inch blocks. The first two blocks I made as she showed, but given one block was getting made as I finished each Frolic block and I don’t have many pieces cut, I’m now only sewing one piece at the end of each line of stitching. I think I have 3 more blocks cut, so I’ll need to cut more blocks before I finish the rest of the Frolic blocks.
Tomorrow I hope to finish the rest of the Frolic blocks, and at least determine what I need to cut for the setting triangles. Or maybe I will put the binding on the quilt. Here’s what’s left:
- Bind Baby 4-Patch Stacked Posies
- The blue, black and white quilt is my Frolic the goal is to finish the top. Started with 5 blocks I need 41, 16 side setting triangles. 4 corners and the pieced borders for my enlarged quilt.
- 3 blocks 6/26/2020
- 3 blocks 6/27/2020
- 6 blocks 6/28/2020
- 3 blocks 6/29/2020
- 5 blocks 6/30/2020
- 8 blocks 7/2/2020
- Bonus #1 – Pillowcases:
- Allietare
- Narragansett Blues
- Bonus #2: Pillowcases for quilts already completed
- Christmas Crazy 8s
- En Provence (2)
- Carolina Chain
- Bonus #3: Quilt, bind, label and make pillowcase (2) for Frolic.