I’m living in a house which has NO room completed, so naturally, I’m going to participate in my quilt guild’s UFO Challenge. I’ve picked 12 quilts which need to be completed and shown by December 5th, 2022.
1- Hand Quilted White Work. This is my oldest quilt “top” from sometime in 2005. I took a hand quilting class in preparation to quilt my DWR.
2 – QIAD Green & Cream Swap from the fall of 2006. It’s my 3rd oldest UFO.
3 – Johnny’s Strip Twist. I started this at a quilt retreat in 2016. I had problems with my 1/4″ seam, so started over. I have enough sections to make at least 2 quilts.
4 – Pink & Black Auction Crazy Strings. I bought the blocks at an auction in 2018. This will be the 3rd quilt I’ve made from them. I pulled the fabrics when I thought I was going to a Sit-n-Sew in December so I’m counting it.
5 – Christmas Wall Hanging. My SIL and I purchased the fabric for this quilt at the same time — July 2018. Hers is finished, I have part of 1 block done.
6 – Frolic the 2019 Quiltville Mystery Quilt. This looks like it just needs to be quilted. But I need to make the backing bigger, so I’ll be making more blocks.
7 – Baubles ‘N Beads – I made this top in August 2020 and just need to quilt it.
8 – Shimmer – I’m using the leftover fabric from Bauble ‘N Beads and Atomic Starburst to make this quilt. I started it August 2020.
9 – Atomic Starburst – the top was completed in March 2021, which is why it’s listed after Shimmer.
10 – MQA BOM – I finished the quilt top the end of September 2021 – so it is possible to piece with the house torn apart.
11 – Ruby’s Sampler – I started this the New Year’s Eve 2020. I still need to write up the patterns for the blocks and of course finish making the top. I need to make 4 more blocks.
12 – SQG BOM – The first block came out February 2021. I made 3 blocks before I stopped sewing last year to start packing. I didn’t get a picture of the 3rd block.
In addition to the above I’m participating in a Pizza Box Challenge – one block a month with one of my guilds & I’m considering a mystery quilt with the other guild. The retreat usually has a lotto block – I’ll try to make one; a swap block – I’ll probably skip this time; and a mystery quilt – which I may not do either.
My goal is to not start anything new, but now that I think about it, there’s a pot holder and possibly a sweatshirt jacket in my future.