Quilting and Stuff by Knitnoid

Category Archives: Ufos

First Finish of 2025

This is my version of the the 2020 Candlelight Snowmen Swap.  We didn’t want to do a Christmas quilt, but rather make a quilt we could keep out in the new year.  We choose to make snowmen with blue and gray being our primary colors.  At the time I had no idea what I was going to do with just 9 blocks.  I guess last year’s program “Got Blocks, Now What?”  kick started my thinking.  The setting fabric is Grunge Basics in Ash.  I found a pretty blue with gold accents (not that you can see them) to use for the flange in my binding.  I pulled the top together between Christmas and New Years Day, getting it quilted New Years Day.

The thread is Glide in Mercury and I used the Edge to Edge design West Wind Winter. The snowflakes were cut with 3 different Accuquilt dies.  I have learned I prefer the Warm & Natural’s Lite Steam-A-Seam 2 vs Pellon’s Lite EZ-Steam II, something I’ll have to remember the next time I’m doing fusible applique.

After the quilt was bound, I put some fusible rhinestones on the snowflakes in 4 different sizes.  I have yet to be able to get a good picture except in close-ups.  This quilt is 63″ x 63″ and is on several of my UFO lists — Brandon Quilters, Mississippi Quilt Association, Quilting Friends, and my personal 2025 Quilt Goals.





Raising Cane

Raising Cane is now finished.  I sewed the binding on Wednesday night and popped it into the washer.  This is another UFO I can cross off my list.


Quilt # 4 of 2023

I’m on a roll.  This is Cityscape.  Barb Q, a member of Candelight Quilters Guild pieced the top a few years ago, the put it in the guild’s auction.  My notes indicate I bought it in January 2020.  Last week I tossed it on my longarm and did some simple quilting.  Straight lines randomly spaced using my electronic channel locks in the sections with the buildings.  “Calm waters” turned vertically and chopped up for the ‘sky’ and ‘river’. The “Tree” section I sliced, diced and concatenated bubbles on a string.  For the binding I used  a Grunge in Moutarde.

Quilt Stats:

  • Obtained top: 1/20/2020
  • Finished: 1/21/2023
  • Glide 40wt in Strawberry Blond – 1 bobbin
  • Legacy 80/20 batting
  • 35 3/4 x 47


The Pink and Brown Quilt is Finished

Can you believe it’s been 3 1/2 months since I last posted? I’ve had knee surgery, 4 weeks of physical therapy, went to Kansas City for a week where I shop hopped so much I had to buy additional luggage to bring it home, installed my design wall in the Quilt Studio, hosted Bunco twice, my office cabinets were installed, made several Halloween projects and quilted Atomic Starburst.  There is a lot to catch up on.

But first, the Pink and Brown quilt is finished!  It all started with this “ugly” pink and brown vintage fabric a friend gave me back in 2007 or 2008.  I spotted a free pattern called Pathways to the Stars in a Windham Fabrics ad and started collecting vintage pink, brown and neutral fabrics. I finished the top back in June 2009.

After the top was made I found the perfect fabric for the backing, which I pieced, matching the pattern so it’s nearly impossible to see the seam.

I used Strawberry Blond Glide Thread and the Baptist Fan E2E.  The batting is Legacy 80/20.

Prior to washing the quilt measured 67.5 x 95.  After washing it measures 64 x 89 1/4″.



2020 MQA Block of the Month

My Mississippi Quilt Association Block of the Month from 2020 is finished!  The pattern is available on-line HERE.

I started this quilt 12/1/20, finished the blocks prior to April 2021, then finished the top 9/30/21. The quilting was completed 3/28/22 and the binding was finished 4/2/22. This quilt is on my guild’s UFO Challenge list.

After washing the quilt measures 51-1/2″ x 63-1/2″.

I used Glide thread in Mercury on the top and bottom.

The Edge-to-Edge design is Circle Drama.

The batting is Legacy 80/20.




A UFO Finish!

Way back in 2005 I took a hand quilting class in preparation to hand quilt my Double Wedding Ring (DWR) quilt. I got the grid work done and maybe one of the swirls and set it aside – possibly because I spilled tea or Diet Dr Pepper on it.  Anyway I went on to quilt the DWR as well as the pieced blocks in my nephews quilt and this sat in the bottom of the box of UFOs and on the top of my UFO list since it was my oldest ‘top’.

The back of the pillow is this sweet vintage print from my stash. I watched this video to make the pillow cover.  Oh – it is a 16″ pillow form that my SIL gave me.


A Quilting Challenge – Really?!!

I’m living in a house which has NO room completed, so naturally, I’m going to participate in my quilt guild’s UFO Challenge.  I’ve picked 12 quilts which need to be completed and shown by December 5th, 2022.

1- Hand Quilted White Work. This is my oldest quilt “top” from sometime in 2005.  I took a hand quilting class in preparation to quilt my DWR.

2 – QIAD Green & Cream Swap from the fall of 2006. It’s my 3rd oldest UFO.

3 – Johnny’s Strip Twist.  I started this at a quilt retreat in 2016. I had problems with my 1/4″ seam, so started over. I have enough sections to make at least 2 quilts.

4 – Pink & Black Auction Crazy Strings. I bought the blocks at an auction in 2018. This will be the 3rd quilt I’ve made from them. I pulled the fabrics when I thought I was going to a Sit-n-Sew in December so I’m counting it.

5 – Christmas Wall Hanging. My SIL and I purchased the fabric for this quilt at the same time — July 2018.  Hers is finished, I have part of 1 block done.

6 – Frolic the 2019 Quiltville Mystery Quilt. This looks like it just needs to be quilted.  But I need to make the backing bigger, so I’ll be making more blocks.

7 – Baubles ‘N Beads – I made this top in August 2020 and just need to quilt it.

8 – Shimmer – I’m using the leftover fabric from Bauble ‘N Beads and Atomic Starburst to make this quilt. I started it  August 2020.

9 – Atomic Starburst – the top was completed in March 2021, which is why it’s listed after Shimmer.

10 – MQA BOM – I finished the quilt top the end of September 2021 – so it is possible to piece with the house torn apart.

11 – Ruby’s Sampler – I started this the New Year’s Eve 2020. I still need to write up the patterns for the blocks and of course finish making the top.  I need to make 4 more blocks.

12 – SQG BOM – The first block came out February 2021. I made 3 blocks before I stopped sewing last year to start packing.  I didn’t get a picture of the 3rd block.

In addition to the above I’m participating in a Pizza Box Challenge – one block a month with one of my guilds & I’m considering a mystery quilt with the other guild.  The retreat usually has a lotto block – I’ll try to make one; a swap block – I’ll probably skip this time; and a mystery quilt – which I may not do either.

My goal is to not start anything new, but now that I think about it, there’s a pot holder and possibly a sweatshirt jacket in my future.



Letting Go

I found two more UFOs that I’m letting go of.  The top is a set swap of blocks passed to me 12 years ago. I’m giving them to my sister.

The second set of blocks are from a BOM my mother and I participated in back in 2004.  When she died, my sister was not quilting, so I got all of the quilting related stuff from her sewing room. My intention was to finish this quilt and give it to one of siblings. Now that my sister is quilting I’m giving it to her to finish.

Although  I cannot count any of the projects  I’m giving away as finishes, I can remove them from my personal count. I essentially divide my projects into 3 categories: Tops to Be Quilted – which includes those tops quilted, but not bound; Works in Progress (WIP) – which includes those tops I’m doing quilt as you go; and Projects in Grocery Sacks (PiGS) – which includes things like sweatshirts, bags and a couple of stacks of fabric searching for a pattern.

So, the count as of January 3rd, 2021 is as follows:

  • PiGS: 25
  • WIPs: 38
  • TBQ: 23

Yes, that’s 86 projects.  My goal for this year is to reduce that number.

  • 350 Challenge = 15
  • Easy Breezy = 92



Sorting Through the Quilt Tops

This morning I started working on the piles of fabric stuffed here and there.  So it follows that I pulled out all of my quilt tops, right?

It all started with me trying to answer the question, where can I put these backings.  The green at the top left I purchased this past summer with no idea what I’m going to use it for. But at 75% off you don’t worry about things like that.  The blue floral next to it I purchased for Shimmer, which is still in pieces. The peach is the left over wide backing. There are also several other leftover pieces.  They are just too big for me to put them into the scrap users system, but the really can’t live here. On the right is my Wonky Broken Dishes and backing. That needs to be one of my next quilts that I quilt, so I left it out.

I’ve sorted and reorganized my quilt tops.  This box contains completed tops and the backing fabric. I’ll have to make the backings, but I won’t have to worry about it being used for something else before I get that far. 10 Tops.

The second box contains this pile.  On the left 2 Quilts with their wide backings, a pillow top sandwich that I’m machine quilting, 2 vintage tops, nearly cut off is Baubles and Beads. It’s backing is either in the project box or wrapped on a bolt on the other shelf.  I’m not sure if I’m going to use the background fabric or the plaid that I bought for Atomic Starburst.  The right pile is backing which is not matched up to a top.  I just remembered I have the backing I originally bought for the RWB Wonky Broken Dishes that I need to put in this box.

In these boxes I found some Sunbonnet Sues which were given to me. I’m passing those along to my Guild.

There was also this partial “backing”. This was the left over backing to Eeyore.  As it currently measures 44 x 70, I think adding a more inches to the width and I’ll have a new quilt top.

Finally, I’m taking this quilt center off my list of UFOs by passing it along to a fellow Guild Member.  It was passed along to me in 2009. The blocks were from a block swap if I remember correctly. It’s just not me.

Now, to get the binding on the quilt.


What’s On My Design Wall


Saturday the final borders were put on En Provence — post coming soon. Sunday,  I got the binding on the Blue Disappearing 9-Patch.  Yes, with the exception of the blue, those are recycled fabrics from shirts I’ve picked up at garage sales and thrift shops. I still need to clip threads, make one, maybe two pillowcases then wash the whole thing before it’s ready to be delivered. But in the meantime, I’ve pulled out the UFO which was supposed to be a Christmas 2015 gift.


I’ll have to sort through this pile to see where I left off. My goal is to get this quilt finished by the end of February. Hum…just over 3 weeks.  We’ll see.

See what others are working on over at Patchwork Times.