Quilting and Stuff by Knitnoid

Category Archives: Stash Busting Report

Stash Report Week #15

This past week I made a gift for a secret sister exchange, the Decadent Victorian Jacket and the Kansas Troubles Stash Society binder cover.

Fabric bought includes the binding fabric for the jacket – I wanted long unpieced bias strips, so that was a yard – most of which ended up in the stash, a music themed FQ, and FQs for a gift. Technically, the gift FQs aren’t going into my stash, but I didn’t setup my spreadsheet to track gift purchases separately.

Fabric Added this Week: 2.75 yards
Fabric Added to Date: 100.75 yards

Fabric Used this Week: 5.25 yards
Fabric Used to Date: 27.33 yards

Net Stash: +73.42 yards

Stash Report Week #14

No dent in my stash this week, although I did get my geese sewn together and one more row sewn together on the music quilt.

On the other hand, I did bring fabric into the house. Last Sunday, when Sandra, the list mom from Stashbusters, was in town, we got together for a visit. She gave me a couple of potholders she made (and I’ve enjoyed using this week) and a yard of pretty green fabric.

Friday morning I picked up the yardage for the borders to OTR. Saturday another 1 1/2 yards for a bag I’m making for a gift. But it was Saturday afternoon which really caused my stash to grow.

A friend of a friend had fabric from her mother’s or grandmother’s estate. The boxes contained a little of everything, about 1/2 of it cotton. Of the cotton I brought home 13 pieces. I just finished measuring it. There’s 48 1/4 yards there — but it’s all 36″ wide. I did some fancy math to figure out what the works out to in 42″ wide fabric on the theory that if a pattern today calls for 1 yard of fabric, 1 yard of this vintage fabric won’t be enough — I’ll need about 42″.

Fabric Added this Week: 47.75 yards
Fabric Added to Date: 98 yards

Fabric Used this Week: 0 yards
Fabric Used to Date: 22.08 yards

Net Stash: +75.92 yards

Stash Report Week #13

No fabric purchases, just the hot fix tool and a couple of bags of crystals for the Poinsetta quilt.

I did get plenty of pieceing done this week, but it was fabric I had cut prior to the fist of the year, so I’m not counting it.

Fabric Added this Week: 0 yards
Fabric Added to Date: 50.25 yards

Fabric Used this Week: 0 yards
Fabric Used to Date: 22.08 yards

Net Stash: +28.17 yards

Stash Report Week #12

No fabric in or out this week. I did however aquire a box of buttons from the Kansas City Freecycle list (Thanks, Nancy!) and a ruler. Technically the ruler is my DHs. He bought it to use when he does seating charts for his band concerts.

Fabric Added this Week: 0 yards
Fabric Added to Date: 50.25 yards

Fabric Used this Week: 0 yards
Fabric Used to Date: 22.08 yards

Net Stash: +28.17 yards

Stash Report Week # 11

I still don’t have the Poinsetta quilt bound. I got called from work and spent most of the day working. I took a quick nap, ate dinner and then settled in for the evening shift. That went a lot smoother, but I still had to hang around, so I worked on the pieced sashings for the music quilt. The fabric was already cut for the sashing, so I’m only counting the fabric I cut for the binding.

Fabric Added this Week: 0 yards
Fabric Added to Date: 50.25 yards

Fabric Used this Week: .5 yards
Fabric Used to Date: 22.08 yards

Net Stash: +28.17 yards

Stash Report Week #10

I’m still working late, so very little sewing is getting done. Monday I snuck off and purchased some beads to use for holly berries on the poinsetta quilt. I’m happy to report I got them on sale and that’s the only quilty thing I purchased this week.

Thursday night I realized I didn’t have a block made for a birthday swap I’m participating in. The birthday girl wanted purple, teal and cream. To me teal is one of those colors that is open to interpretation, so I think that’s why I didn’t get it made back in January. I dug through my stash and found something which I hope she will like. I must say I was pleased with the block when I finished it. It goes in the mail in the morning.

My poinsetta quilt is sitting on the end of the irnoing board, neglected.

Fabric Added this Week: 0 yards
Fabric Added to Date: 50.25 yards

Fabric Used this Week: .25 yards
Fabric Used to Date: 21.58 yards

Net Stash: +28.67 yards

Stash Report Week # 8

This report is a bit early, but I’m confident there won’t be a change in the stash in the next two hours. It’s been crazy at work the last couple of weeks, and this week has been no exception. At the end of the day I’ve been too tired to even look at my sewing machine. Sunday I did get a few more string blocks made and used a little bit of fabric — but then later in the week I spotted some election day fabric which would make a great backing for the Election Day Challenge quilt I haven’t started. Since it was marked down to next to nothing, I bought what was left on the bolt — 8 yards.

Here’s the report

Fabric Added this Week: 8 yards
Fabric Added to Date: 44.75 yards

Fabric Used this Week: 1.875 yards
Fabric Used to Date: 19.205 yards

Net Stash: +25.545 yards

Stash Report Week #7

This week more fabric came in than went out.

Monday was the Kansas Trouble Stash Society meeting with a whopping 10.75 yards. Tuesday a package arrived from Tammy with red and greens in exchange for the music fabric I sent her a couple of weeks ago. Since I counted the music fabric Out, I’m counting this fabric In. Then Wednesday I added another 2 yards for borders and binding for my Pink & Brown quilt — which still needs borders. I haven’t made it to the basement with the fabric to wash.

In the use department, I finished setting the blocks together for the Pink & Brown quilt, finished ALL of step 1 on OTR and finished making the pinwheels and half-pinwheels from step 2. Most of this is not countable as it had all been chopped up prior to the first of the year. I did have to cut a few more strips for the pinwheels.

What is countable is the 2 Broken Dishes blocks I’ve made to take to the retreat in April and the String blocks I made yesterday to send to Australia.


Fabric Added this Week: 15.25 yards
Fabric Added to Date: 36.75 yards

Fabric Used this Week: 4.125 yards
Fabric Used to Date: 17.33 yards

Net Stash: +19.42 yards

I seem to be going backwards. Got to do something about that.

Week # 6 Stash Report

No new fabric into the house this week, and not much that hadn’t already been counted. We misplaced the Kansas Troubles Blocks and I had to make a replacement block, so I’m only count 1/8 yard this week used.

Fabric Added this Week: 0 yards
Fabric Added to Date: 21.5 yards

Fabric Used this Week: .125 yards
Fabric Used to Date: 13.125 yards

Net Stash: +8.375 yards

Stash Report Week #5

This week I finished the Heart Appliqué wall hanging, using 1 1/4 yards from my stash. I also cut the strips for Strip Twist and if my math is correct, that’s another 5 yards for 20 blocks. So, 6 1/4 used this week.

On the other hand, I picked up the background fabric – twice – to go with the Fairy Frost I bought two weeks ago, along with the inner border and binding. I currently think I want to use FF Denim and it’s not in the current sample book at my LQS. Three yards of the brown fabric I bought with nothing in mind brings my weekly purchase to 9 1/2 yards.

Fabric Added this Week: 9 1/2 yards
Fabric Added to Date: 21 1/2 yards

Fabric Used this Week: 6 1/2 yards
Fabric Used to Date: 13 yards

Net Stash: +8 1/2 yards