So what does this redwork pic have to do with the title of this post? Well, when I’m waiting, in doctor’s offices, for concerts or musicals to start, or for us to get somewhere (long drives), I work on my redwork snowmen.
There were no plans to work on this project this month, however a trip to the doctor’s office changed all that.
My DH is having a cardiac catheterization later this morning. So, I while I’m waiting for him to come out of surgery, I will do some stitching to try and keep from worrying.
Everyone reacts differently when a loved one is in the hospital or in surgery. The last time DH had surgery I was working in the hospital computer department. My choices were to sit in a hard chair in an empty room and watch TV, or do something. I chose the latter. The nurses all had my pager number, and they let me use a small office to participate in a conference call that was on my schedule (my choice — not my employer’s). Then I wandered off to the medical records department to check on a software install we were doing — again my choice. Now admittedly, I couldn’t stay focused on any of these tasks, but it kept me from actively worrying.
Today in my bag of tricks, I’ve got the redwork, a book to read and my husband’s netbook. Although I still work with hospitals and computers, I don’t work for the hospital — so there will be no running around working to keep me occupied. Of course this procedure won’t take near as long, so I won’t need to keep myself distracted as long.