Quilting and Stuff by Knitnoid

I Wound a Bobbin!


As long as I’ve been sewing why would I get excited about winding a bobbin?

Because I wound it on my treadle machine.

True, I still had to fiddle with it a bit, but nowhere near to the extent I did the last time I attempted to wind a bobbin on this machine.  It’s still not perfect — I’m having trouble with the arm that moves back and forth across the bobbin.  I’m not sure what’s causing that.  Oh — and I cheated.  I ran the thread through the eye of the take-up bar.

I don’t have enough hands to keep the thread in the hook on the left of the machine, in the two hooks on the bobbin winder itself and hold the screwdriver to loosen the screw on the mechanism moving the arm on the winder.  The best news is the clutch didn’t slip.

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