I made a big deal about fewer goals this week since I didn’t have a 3 day weekend. But I still didn’t get everything done. Between the push to finish Oklahoma Backroads and playing all day Saturday, I was worn out. The only reason I have 2 SBS blocks done is that I knew if I didnt’ get the second one done I’d only be able to cross off one item from my list. Perhaps this Quilting Accountability really works!
- Finish Oklahoma Backroads – Done!
- Quilt daily on the DWR – No
- Piece 2 SBS blocks – Done!
- Make this month’s KVQG BOM – No
Also distracting me was the fabric my sister-in-law gave me. There was a package of charm squares and a handful of similar FQs. Although smaller that I typically like to make baby quilts, this quilt top will be great to practice free motion quilting on.
Only the white fabric will count on my Stash Report Sunday since I haven’t added the gifted fabric in. I found a yellow and white print in my stash which I’ll use for the backing. Now to find a piece of batting big enough or piece one together.
Now for next week.
- Get back on the DWR –I’m behind schedule
- Make the September KVQG BOM
- Piece 2 SBS Blocks
Check out the link over at Bari’s to see if others got met their goals for the week.
Ugh! You’re reminding me of how far behind I am on my own SBS blox!
I love the colors in that quilt! How cute and perfect for a baby quilt. I can see how those fabrics would have distracted you….LOL.
The accountability does work – see? It did for you this week! Even getting two items crossed off your list is big!
Way to go!
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