My quilting goals for this past year were simple enough.
At the beginning of 2009 I have way to many projects in the works. So I’m going to work on getting them done this year, along with not buying speculation fabric – or even fabric that I’m not ready to use immediately. That doesn’t mean I won’t buy fabric, just that I’ll pay better attention to what and when I buy it.
So what happened? Before January was up I had bought a few FQs and fabric for a quilt, which I still haven’t made. There were two more purchases over the year of fabrics for quilts which now sit as PIGS (Projects I Grocery Sacks), but I’d like to think the rest of my purchases were either immediately made up or to fill holes in my stash.
On the other hand, I finished 7 UFOs and 6 new projects. They are recapped on the 2009 Finishes page.
I also moved 11 quilts from the “working on” stage to the “completed top” stage. Only 4 of those were new starts in 2009. There are another 4 quilts which were started last year which haven’t made it to the “complete top” stage.
Overall, I accomplished plenty in the quilting realm of 2009. But I really need to work on FINISHING things instead of starting new.