I attempted to make this post early yesterday morning, but I couldn’t upload my photos, so here it is just past midnight. Close enough. This is a photo of how I managed to topstitch my Laura’s Little Notebook Covers. The edge that I was stitching was thicker than where the presser foot was so the dog feeds were not working. I grabbed my tweezers, putting them under the presser foot and was able to successfully finish the top stitching.
I finished the sewing on 15 of the notebook covers. They still need the snap closure, but hey tomorrow (today?) is another day. I’ll work on that after I get back from the quilt club meeting. A new group is starting across town and I thought I’d check it out. I also want to load the next quilt on the frame when I get back. I’m not sure how much I’ll get done as I plan to go dancing. I skipped tonight to finish the quilt I was working on.
So here is my stash report:
Fabric Added Since Last Report: 0 yards
Fabric Added to Date: 1 yards
Fabric Used Since Last Report: 2 yards
Fabric Used to Date: 6.625 yards
Net Fabric Stash: -5.625 yards