Quilting and Stuff by Knitnoid

What’s on My Design Wall

Stuck to my design wall this morning is the second baby quilt from the leftover Carolina Christmas blocks.  I’ve pieced the borders and have them up on the wall trying to decide if they work.  I’m leaning toward “Yes”.

But what I’m really working on today is the red white and blue Star Struck.  Since this picture was taken, I’ve finished sewing all of the bricks together and have started sewing the 2 1/2″ light squares to the red and blue to make points.

Check out the links on Judy’s page to see if anyone else is working on a patriotic quilt.

5 Thoughts on “What’s on My Design Wall

  1. ginaquilts on May 31, 2010 at 11:56 am said:

    Definitely works as a baby quilt!

  2. Nice quilt! Creative use of leftover blocks.

  3. I think your border fabric is working out perfectly. Can’t wait to see your Star Struck.

  4. Definately works! Gives me ideas for dealing with my leftover blocks!

  5. I think it works perfectly!

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