Quilting and Stuff by Knitnoid

What’s On My Design Wall


I’m sure this doesn’t look like I’ve gotten anything done this past week and there is some truth to that.  However, I did get the alternate blocks sorted out and they are sitting by my sewing table ready for me to stitch together.


Each block was taken off the wall and laid out the way it is supposed to go together with  sheet of paper between them.  I hope this allows me to get the blocks back up on the wall in a short order. Of course it might be quicker if I actually sat at my sewing machine and sewed!

I’ve decided to attempt to do a bit of gardening this year to see if I can grow a few vegetables. This past week I spent much of my ‘quilting time’ reading up on container gardening and deciding what I wanted to attempt to grow.  Saturday I worked for a couple of hours in the morning, then started gathering my supplies.



I’ve started working on my first container. This one will get one of the tomato plants. It’s beginning to look like many of our home improvement projects — with multiple trips to the hardware store.  I hope it’s just one more stop before I can actually start to plant. So far there have been three — if I you don’t count the ones where I was looking before I started to implement the project.

With any luck, I’ll be back to the sewing machine before the end of the week.  May 16th will be here before I know it.

See more quilting over at Patchwork Times.

3 Thoughts on “What’s On My Design Wall

  1. That quilt looks so EXCITING on your design wall! It’s going to look fantastic when it’s finished! Your method of stacking the units for each block with paper in between is intriguing. I can’t count how many times I’ve been chain piecing blocks and accidentally sewed something in backwards or upside down. I guess that’s why God made seam rippers… 😉

  2. Good idea to use the paper between. Have fun making the alternate Blocks this week. Hurry and plant that Tomato plant! I let my DH do the Gardening…lol

  3. Oh wow that’s going to be a gorgeous quilt! One word of warning about the gardening…Keep the squash as far away from your tomatoes as possible. I planted mine right next to each other last year, and the stink bugs that keep the squash healthy just about destroyed every tomato I had. This year I googled ” veggies that grow well together” just to make sure I don’t have any other garden blunders.

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