Not much quilting going on at my house lately. I did sneak in about 20 minutes simply so I would have more than one block on the wall. I’ve now finished 3 of the Poinsettia Star blocks and have half of a fourth one completed.
Hop over to Judy’s page to see what others have on their design walls.
Did the snow make you think of Christmas? Are the blocks for a gift? Or is this one for YOU!??? They are pretty fun blocks, I’ll be watching to see what you do with them…
These are blocks from my version of the Bonnie Hunter mystery Carolina Christmas.
I’m a bit behind, but would like to have the top completed by mid-May. I seldom know where a quilt top will end up (other than in my box of tops!)
The great thing about Judy hosting DWM is I get to see how inventive people are with their blocks and colours. At first glance it looks impossible to have the diamonds as they are, it’s a great exercise for forcing me to use my brain and my eyes!