Quilting and Stuff by Knitnoid

What’s On My Design Wall

I nearly forgot this was Monday.  We’ve been doing some plumbing, and it’s never as easy or inexpensive as you think it’s going to be.

Before we got tangled up in the plumbing (which still is not finished) I made one more LeMoyne Star for the Compass Lone Star quilt.  Then had to work up a new quilt layout.  It’s still a work in progress, but I will be making another 4 LeMoyne Stars for the bottom of the quilt.

I really thought I had enough of the batik to make this quilt much bigger — leaning toward 80″ square.  In reality I’ll be lucky enough to get a good throw.


The fabric on the bottom is what I have in the quilt.  Only  the second blue from the left has more than 1/2 yard left, the rest somewhere between 6 – 12 inches.  Forget buying more.  These fabrics are at least 25 years old.

When I started on the quilt in 2007, I tried to supplement the fabrics.  That’s when I found the light blue batik in the middle and the fabrics on the top.  The light blue on top row I’m using for backing.  I think not only is the quilt a ‘quilt-as-you-go” , but a “design-as-you-go”.  Who knows what it will end up looking like.

Check out other design wall by following the links over at Patchwork Times.

3 Thoughts on “What’s On My Design Wall

  1. Wow, your quilt center is spectacular! I love it — especially in the blues!! 🙂

  2. the color placement gives the lonestar a new look! have fun making lemoyne stars!

  3. This is pretty cool. I always design as you go. lol. Was looking through your blog and realized you are local to me when I saw Kaw Valley Quilt show … hey I know these quilts! I remember the tiny ohio star quilt and I was impressed. Won a different tiny quilt though.

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