I tell you, it’s as though I’m working on a new quilt, not a UFO started in 2006.
The Dresden Plate started out as a Quilt-As-You-Go (QAYG) project, originally because it’s so much easier to maneuver a 16″ square than a full size quilt under the arm of my sewing machine. I still intend to make the quilt a QAYG project, but since I couldn’t find the blocks I previously quilted, I was free to make a new design. I no longer have a full size bed, so decided to scale the project down to twin size.
For the past four weeks I’ve been pondering how to put the quilt together, but hadn’t settled on a solution. Then earlier this week, Fiona from BubzRugz was the guest blogger at Stash Manicure. Fiona wrote a tutorial on QAYG where she joins her blocks with sashing by machine. I have seen this style of joining before, but did not realize it could be done completely by machine. Since I had 4 string blocks I tried it out. It works pretty well.
Oh, did I mention I finally realized that my 6 1/2 yards of black fabric was not going to be enough for the border, backing and binding for the Dresden Plate and the border and binding for the Dragonfly quilt? I’m committed to the borders and binding on both quilts, but that still left the backing for the Dresden Plate. You do see where this is going, don’t you?

Yes, this is the new design. I have just enough of the gold fabric for the sashing and inner border — if I don’t make any mistakes! I’ll be able to quilt each block with ease and then join them together. I dug through my stash and found a fuchsia and purple floral which came from Mom’s stash and half a yard of a mottled green which I’ll use for the sashing on the back.

I can’t wait to finish this quilt. But first I need to finish the quilting on my friend’s baby quilt. Her great-niece is two months old and needs her quilt!