Or in this case a simple picture. Here’s my EQ drawing of the log cabin block that is my current leader/ender project.
All summer I’ve sewn little red squares to little light squares and then those pieces to little logs. I’ve made 180 of them.
Today while I was working on a practice LeMoyne Star, I was ready for the next log – a dark 1 1/2 x 2 1/2 piece. I looked at the picture and that’s when I realized that I sewed all of my light logs to the wrong side of first unit. So, I decided to make a block so I have a “good” reference.
In the grand scheme of things it ‘looks’ right, so all is well. If any one says otherwise, I’ll just tell them my EQ drawing was for the back of the block.
I can’t make a Log Cabin Block right to save myself! Yours look pretty good. 180 of them huh? You are torturing yourself!