Quilting and Stuff by Knitnoid

Category Archives: Baby 4-patch Stacked Posies

40 Day Challenge – Day 39

I’m crossing off the Baby 4-Patch Stacked Posies quilt as it has been bound. It’s not washed, but I will do that when I finish the larger quilt and get it bound. I bought enough fabric to bind both quilts and have put the remainder in the bag with the larger quilt. I’ve got some quilting to rip out of it before I can get it quilted and bound.

That just leaves Frolic.  I mentioned yesterday my border calculations were wrong.  I spent the better part of the morning working on a new border design.  This is how far I’ve gotten on the new border. Its just under 2/3 of one side. Before I can much further I need to separate the HST I sewed together for the other border (I’m running out of fabric) and take a count of what I have and what I need. My L/E project can be the extra HSTs needed to complete the border, then I can use Easy Breezy when I get them all made.


  • Bind Baby 4-Patch Stacked Posies – 7/12/20
  • The blue, black and white quilt is my Frolic the goal is to finish the top. Started with 5 blocks I need 41, 16 side setting triangles. 4 corners and the pieced borders for my enlarged quilt.
    • Center complete – 7/11/2020
    • Border redesigned – 7/12/2020
  • Bonus #1 – Pillowcases:
    • Allietare
    • Narragansett Blues
  • Bonus #2: Pillowcases for quilts already completed
    • Christmas Crazy 8s
    • En Provence (2)
    • Carolina Chain
  • Bonus #3: Quilt, bind, label and make pillowcase (2) for Frolic.

40 Day Challenge – Day 38

The center of Frolic is complete.

Up next the borders – just as soon as I figure them out. I thought I had them worked out but I questioned the math. The recheck confirmed my math was wrong, so now I need to figure out the borders.

Also today I made a run to the quilt shop to pick up fabric for the binding on the Baby 4-Patch Stacked Posies. I suspect I’ll find the original fabric as soon as I finish the binding.

It’s late, so I’m headed to bed.

  • Bind Baby 4-Patch Stacked Posies
  • The blue, black and white quilt is my Frolic the goal is to finish the top. Started with 5 blocks I need 41, 16 side setting triangles. 4 corners and the pieced borders for my enlarged quilt.
    • Center complete – 7/11/2020
  • Bonus #1 – Pillowcases:
    • Allietare
    • Narragansett Blues
  • Bonus #2: Pillowcases for quilts already completed
    • Christmas Crazy 8s
    • En Provence (2)
    • Carolina Chain
  • Bonus #3: Quilt, bind, label and make pillowcase (2) for Frolic.

Easy Breezy – 11

40 Day Challenge – Day 37

3 days until it’s all over and I feel like I’m not going to get the last to items off my list.  Today was all about cutting more fabric. I have all of the gray and white HST units that I need for my inner border, and I have cut the additional sashing pieces for the 2nd half of the quilt.

Just to say I sewed on the top, I attached the sashing to the middle row and to the bottom corner triangle. Perhaps tomorrow I’ll be able to knock the rest of the center out.

The search for the binding fabric goes on.  It was not with the pillowcase.  The pillowcase was found in the linen closet. Of course knowing this, I’ll search again.


  • Bind Baby 4-Patch Stacked Posies
  • The blue, black and white quilt is my Frolic the goal is to finish the top. Started with 5 blocks I need 41, 16 side setting triangles. 4 corners and the pieced borders for my enlarged quilt.
    • Center blocks, setting triangles and corners completed 7/7/2020
    • 3 rows assembled 7/8/2020
    • Row 4 attached, Row 5 assembled 7/9/2020
  • Bonus #1 – Pillowcases:
    • Allietare
    • Narragansett Blues
  • Bonus #2: Pillowcases for quilts already completed
    • Christmas Crazy 8s
    • En Provence (2)
    • Carolina Chain
  • Bonus #3: Quilt, bind, label and make pillowcase (2) for Frolic.

Easy Breezy – 11

40 Day Challenge – Day 36

Yesterday was the last day I could hang the top on the design wall.  I had run out of space horizontally. So here is the top on my ‘design bed’. The last row is not attached, nor is the sashing which goes between the last two rows.  The good news is when this row is finally attached I will be past the halfway point of the center.  I also have half of the blue and half of the black borders pieced. Ironically, I’ll need the gray border first and since that was not part of the original design, I haven’t even cut it.

This is my backing fabric.  The background fabric is a 108″ digital printed fabric.  I absolutely love the colors and think it is perfect for my Frolic — other than it is about 8″ too narrow for my enlarged quilt. I decided as much as it pained me to buy a wide back and then still have to piece it it was perfect and I would worry about that “tomorrow”. Well, it’s not quite “tomorrow”, but it’s close enough that when I ran to the shop today to buy fabric for the inner border and binding, I looked around to see if I could find anything I could add to the backing. I bought two pieces because I didn’t know which would work best and decided this stripe is the answer. I will piece a few stars to go on the back, but 3 is a far cry fewer than the 15 I’d need to run them down the length of the backing.

The last few days I’ve been using the pieced border as my leader/ender project, but I need to pin together (one corner) the units in the right orientation and haven’t done that, so I pieced the last Easy Breezy block I had cut out. That brings the total to 11 blocks. I think I want 182 blocks, so I have a ways to go.

As for the baby quilt, I still have not found the binding fabric.  I think my sister was present the last time I saw it, so maybe she can remember what box I shoved it into.

  • Bind Baby 4-Patch Stacked Posies
  • The blue, black and white quilt is my Frolic the goal is to finish the top. Started with 5 blocks I need 41, 16 side setting triangles. 4 corners and the pieced borders for my enlarged quilt.
    • Center blocks, setting triangles and corners completed 7/7/2020
    • 3 rows assembled 7/8/2020
    • Row 4 attached, Row 5 assembled 7/9/2020
  • Bonus #1 – Pillowcases:
    • Allietare
    • Narragansett Blues
  • Bonus #2: Pillowcases for quilts already completed
    • Christmas Crazy 8s
    • En Provence (2)
    • Carolina Chain
  • Bonus #3: Quilt, bind, label and make pillowcase (2) for Frolic.

Easy Breezy – 11

40 Day Challenge – Day 35

Yesterday I got a second wind and finished the corner triangles. Today, I started assembling the center – and ripping apart the borders I am using for my leader/ender. When I get to the end, I want to be able to put the borders on the quilt, but I’ve tweaked the borders.  Adding 16 blocks and using the original borders brings the quilt to approximately 102″ square. But I really would like an even larger quilt. I bought enough backing to increase the quilt to 120″, but that is really more quilt than I want and would have required another 20 blocks.



This is what I’m planing on doing. But of course now instead of the HST on each round facing the same way, they turn in the middle. I had 1 blue and all 4 of the black strings of HST pieced.  Of course, I haven’t even cut the gray HST as that’s what I’ve added, plus a 1″ narrow border between each row of HST. It should end up around 110″.  I’ll still have to do something to enlarge my backing as it is only 108″.  I’m thinking about a column of pinwheels down the center of the back. So even more piecing is in my future before I can even load it on the machine.

Since there is only a week left — I really thought the challenge went to the 17th. I need to check to see exactly when I started – I did a brief search for the binding fabric for the baby quilt.  It wasn’t “on the surface”. I hope it’s in one of the two boxes of tops waiting to be quilted. If it’s not, I’m up a creek.

  • Bind Baby 4-Patch Stacked Posies
  • The blue, black and white quilt is my Frolic the goal is to finish the top. Started with 5 blocks I need 41, 16 side setting triangles. 4 corners and the pieced borders for my enlarged quilt.
    • Center blocks, setting triangles and corners completed 7/7/2020
    • 3 rows assembled 7/8/2020
  • Bonus #1 – Pillowcases:
    • Allietare
    • Narragansett Blues
  • Bonus #2: Pillowcases for quilts already completed
    • Christmas Crazy 8s
    • En Provence (2)
    • Carolina Chain
  • Bonus #3: Quilt, bind, label and make pillowcase (2) for Frolic.

40 Day Challenge

I’d like to get back to blogging about my quilting. It seems that I generally just post to Facebook anymore.  In one of my Facebook groups someone asked “What are you working on?” For me this morphed into this 40 Day challenge. My goal is to get everything on this list done.

This first picture is a stack of quilts that need to be bound.

  • A customer’s quilt – binding needs to be pressed, then can be attached and stitched down
  • Allietaire – plan do do both scallops and a 2 color binding.
  • Narragansett Blues
  • Sister Swap # 3 – The binding is made just needs to be attached and stitched down
  • Then & Now
  • Baby 4-Patch Stacked Posies
  • Tablerunner – Finally figured out what I am going to use

Believe it or not there’s more work in this pile than the binding pile.

The quilt with the striped backing needs a label and delivered

I’m behind on my Star Studded BOM. I have fabric for 11 or 12 large blocks and 23 6-inch blocks.

The log cabin quilt needs to be quilted bound and labeled.

The blue, black and white quilt is my Frolic the goal is to finish the top.

Although not quilting, there are 9 pair of pants which need to be shortened. This is driving the 40 days.

Bonus #1: Pillowcases for the customer quilt, Allietaire, Narragansett Blues, and the log cabin quilt (2)

Bonus #2: Pillowcases for quilts already completed – Christmas Crazy 8s, On Ringo Lake, En Provence (2), Carolina Chain, Good Fortune

Bonus #3: Quilt, bind, label and make pillowcase (2) for Frolic.

It should be an interesting 40 -45 days.