I need to cut more Easy Breezy blocks, but I didn’t want to drag out my FQ boxes. I have 8 12-gallon flip top crates under my longarm table, many of them full of scraps, so I decided to dig into those.

This first box apparently has the red and green scraps according to the card I found. I didn’t look in the sack, but I did pull out other interesting things.

5 pillowcases kitted up and ready to sew. Also in the bag with these were several decorator fabric zipper bags kitted up. Just what I need, more projects.

Then there were these double wide dresden blades. Apparently I started cutting them out of a charm pack. I also found those in this box. I dug around in the ruler drawer and found the ruler. Now the blades, ruler and charm pack are all together in a bag in the dresser. I have not added this to my UFO list. I think this is destined to be an Orphan Block for now.
I also found some FQs and a few bits and pieces of loose fabric which I dealt with appropriately. However, I still needed more neutrals for my Easy Breezy blocks.

I opened the next box and thought “Zuckerwatte”. Zuckerwatte is a Bonnie Hunter quilt in her book String Fling. It’s the last picture on THIS PAGE. I started digging. This box contained more than pink and purple scraps. I found the cut of corners from two different quilts I saved. I vaguely remember tossing them while making On Ringo Lake then seeing something which had me pulling them out of the trash. I also had the trimmings from my Eye Fooler. I made the decision to toss them. I don’t need another project. (They actually went in the scrap bag which I’ll take to a gal who makes dog beds for the shelter).
Another bag contained all sorts of fabric including parts of two unrelated charm packs Those where pressed and put with the charm squares. This bag had the neutrals I was looking for. I have all of them cut, but have not started on cutting the squares. I finished pulling everything which wasn’t scrap out of this box and closed it for another day. I could get lost in a rabbit hole for days and I have a challenge to complete!

I stitched away on the binding and I am 5″ from the 2nd corner. I probably pushed myself to hard, but I really want to finish it by Monday. So, I’ve come up with a plan. I’ll only stitch 40″ each night. That should let me finish up Sunday, giving me time to wash it and photograph it on Monday. Who knows, this might even allow me to finish the rest of the items on my challenge list.