Quilting and Stuff by Knitnoid

Space and Light

I’m going to work backwards.  Last night I setup a table and gathered up all of the lights for the electricians.  They arrived this morning at 7 AM and I worked with them to verify where I wanted them to go.

But backing up, I flew to Houston for Thanksgiving with my SIL and my nephew’s family.  I know I took pictures of all of us, but I must have been using someone else’s phone as they aren’t on my phone.  So I’ll tell you about Friday.

We decided to go to NASA for Galaxy Lights and toured the museum that afternoon.

Growing up in Houston during the height of the Apollo missions, I wanted to be an Astronaut.  I was going to be the first woman in space, not realizing Valentina Tereshkova had gone into space shortly after I was born.


So, my next goal was goal was to be the first woman on the Moon.  But we stopped going to the moon.

So my next goal was to be the first American woman in space.  Sally Ride took that honor.  I think the card said this was a replica of one of her flight suit.  Yes, I teared up seeing this.  I teared up and got emotional when I met her back a number of years ago.


My great-grandma made it to the moon in January 1912.  Nearly 110 years later I got just as close.

One Thought on “Space and Light

  1. Mary A Crowther on November 30, 2021 at 10:44 am said:

    Fun visit to NASA! Never been there. Love my LED lights. Glad to see your progress. You’ll be stitching soon

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