Quilting and Stuff by Knitnoid

Category Archives: Designwall

What’s on my Design Wall

When I’ve not been working on the DWR or Cream & Green quilt, I’ve been sewing blocks into rows on Blue Ridge Beauty.  The rows still need sewing together, but I think I’ll wait until I get all of the rows sewn.  I ended up swapping two rows because I ended up with the same fabric next to each other when I got the last row on the wall.  I think I’ve also spotted a flaw in the design with the center two blocks on the first row.

They are just like what we (my DH did the final layout in EQ7) had in EQ, but when I started to draw the quilt larger I was having a tough time extending the pattern.   I think the top center two blocks is why.  I’ll play with it more before I get to the last row.

To see what others have on their design walls, follow the links over at Patchwork Times.

What’s on my Design Wall

It’s something new — sort of .  My  Blue Ridge Beauty blocks which I started back in May in Bonnie Hunter’s class.  I’m making this roughly twin size.  I’m winging this as far as block placement goes.  I’m starting at the top of my stack of blocks and sewing them according to my layout diagram I printed from EQ7.

This was my leader/ender project, so now it’s time for a new one. I’m leaning toward Color Play in Volume one of Sew Scrappy Better Homes and Gardens Creative Collection magazine.   (I looked for a link on the BH&G website and couldn’t find one. This link is the first one that came up when I did a web search).

I’ve gotten as far as dumping my 2 1/2″ precut squares on the ironing board.  I can’t decide if I want to let it be “anything goes” and just sew a lighter square to a darker square (probably the fastest way to get started) or pick a “theme”.  The quilt in the magazine used green, red, yellow and blue prints, stripes and polka dots.  Regardless of what I decide, I’ll have to buy the sashing and border fabric.  I don’t have 3 1/2 yards of a “solid” in any color — well, maybe bright yellow, but I don’t think that’s the answer.

See what’s on others’ design wall by following the links over at Patchwork Times.

Design Wall Monday

Star Struck is hanging from my ‘design shelves’ today. There is a reason I only got 4 pairs of rows sewn together Saturday. See the rows hanging from the last hanger on the right?  The top left star is blue — it should be red.  I discovered this as  I was hanging the rows up.  So, instead of having to rip out a row of stars and sew them together the other way, I simply unpinned the other two rows.  I can sew a row to either side of this pair and everything will be OK.  Now when will I get to it is entirely another question.

Check out other design walls for inspiration by following the links over at Patchwork Times.

Design Wall Monday

Last month week I made significant progress on the red stars.  The blue ones have been done for a while.  I still need to finish up another 20 red stars – just the center seam – so it won’t take long.  But on the other hand since I’m doing my best to focus on the DWR, this might just take me all month.

Check out other inspirational design walls by following the links over at Patchwork Times.

Design Wall Monday

Today I’m deciding on the binding for the ‘Modern DP9″ baby quilt I  threw together a couple of weeks ago.  Yesterday I drove down to Rocking Chair Quilts and quilted it on their Handi-Quilter.  I am thrilled with the way it came out.   Here’s a picture of the back:

Now I have to decide on the binding.  I have 3 choices from my stash:

  • Use the backing fabric
  • Use the white I used in the quilt top
  • Use the pink/orange mottled fabric.

My original intent was to use white — not that it makes a whole lot of sense as either a binding or on a baby quilt, but I like the concept of the “crispness” it would give to the quilt.  The backing fabric I think is too pale, but it did send me off to my stash to search for some orange fabric which is where I came up with the pink/orange fabric.  I’m not sure it’s right either.   I guess I’ll dig some more through my stash, perhaps looking for a ‘pinker pink’ or a yellow.  I only need 10″ WOF – but since most of my stash is FQ or smaller, my options will be limited.

Check out the links at Patchwork Times to see if anyone else is having binding issues.

Design Wall Monday

Today it’s the ironing board.  I’m cutting the strips for my Fairy Frost Sunset.  Since I read all of the directions and made a sample block, I know that I can cut the pieces more efficiently resulting in bonus blocks.  Each strip set provides a 12 1/2 piece with a 45 degree cut, a 6 1/2″ piece with a 45 degree cut, a quarter square triangle and a 2 patch.  I  don’t think the 2-patches will play nicely with quarter square triangles, but I’ll cross that design challenge when I get there.

Today is the Guild mini-retreat and as I do for any retreat, I’ve over packed.  This is a handwork retreat, so I’ve got my DWR. Also in my bag so I don’t get bored, is the red work I’ve been working on for 3 years – I think this block just needs a couple of snowflakes, my dragonflies and crayons and fabric to make yo-yos.

Check out what others are working on by following the links at Patchwork Times.

What’s On My Design Wall

There’s not much on my design wall this week.  Since finishing Oklahoma Backroads I haven’t gotten going again.  I did however pull out a new pattern I picked up called “A Mid-Winter’s Night” by Deb Eggers.

The pattern uses the Tri-Rec tools and the blocks are designed to finish at 9″.

But I have to make things difficult, so I tried making a block that finishes at 3″.  I want to make a miniature quilt for the Guild auction in April.  I’m not sure if I’ll make 8 more of these blocks, or go back to the pinwheels I made a few weeks ago (bottom right corner of picture).

Check out what others are doing by following the links over at Patchwork Times.

What’s On My Design Wall

The wall still has bits and pieces of what was up there last week. However, this past weekend, and into the foreseeable future, I’m quilting, not piecing. I’ve completed 5 of the 7 rings on the second row of the DWR. When I wasn’t hand quilting, I was machine quilting on Oklahoma Backroads.

There’s enough quilting to hold the layers together through repeated washings, but I’m going to add a bit more. I plan to stitch in the ditch (or in the vicinity) across the width and down the length of the quilt, bowing out at the star points. My hope is to highlight the stars. Too bad I didn’t realize this was my plan before I had the first layer of quilting done – stitching diagonally through the light chains.

Check out what others are doing by following the links over at Judy’s.

What’s On My Design Wall

The Design Floor had Oklahoma Backroads on it for a photo.   It’s in 8 pieces and I’ve got it pinned for the next 4 seams.  Later this week I think I’ll be asking for advice on a border.  Right now I’m leaning toward no border and a red binding — the same red that I used as the cornerstones in my Texas Braid.

On the Design Wall I have 6 blocks from Row A of Sylvia’s Bridal Sampler.  I hope having them up on the wall will encourage me to get the other four blocks from Row A done sooner than later.

See what’s on other design floors, walls, bed, tables by checking out the links over at Patchwork Times.

What’s On My Design Wall

Literally nothing today – except threads. I’ve started sewing the Oklahoma Back Roads blocks together that I showed yesterday.

Check out other design walls by following the links over at Patchwork Times.