Quilting and Stuff by Knitnoid

Category Archives: Ufos

Sew Scrappy Challenge Quilt – Week 6

sewscrappybindingLast month I said that on Tuesdays until Thanksgiving I am working on my Sew Scrappy quilt as part of Jo’s “finish a UFO before Bonnie’s mystery quilt starts challenge”. Sew Scrappy is from Evelyn Sloppy’s book 40 Fabulous Quick-Cut Quilts. I don’t think I have any Bonnie Hunter quilts in pieces, but I want/need to finish this one and I’ve been stalling for 3 years.

Well, the end is truly near.  The binding is attached and I’ve started to stitch it down. Since I’m finishing it by machine, it won’t take long — but I got a late start last night. It’s the middle of open enrollment at work and since I was out on vacation last week, I didn’t start to look at the options until last night. There’s more personal computer work on the horizon for tonight, but I expect I’ll finish the binding. Then it will be time to trim the threads, label and check for spots that need more quilting.

See how others are doing on their project over at Jo’s Country Junction.

Sew Scrappy Challenge Quilt – Week 3

Earlier this month I said that on Tuesdays between now and Thanksgiving I am working on my Sew Scrappy quilt as part of Jo’s “finish a UFO before Bonnie’s mystery quilt starts challenge”. Sew Scrappy is from Evelyn Sloppy’s book 40 Fabulous Quick-Cut Quilts. I don’t think I have any Bonnie Hunter quilts in pieces, but I want/need to finish this one and I’ve been stalling for 3 years.

Well…last night was the first night of the World Series and I have 3 quilts I want finished and photographed by Saturday.

That’s not to say I didn’t do anything with Sew Scrappy.  See — I have strips sets paired up and ready to stitch.


As for the progress on the 3 quilts? Finished Aiming for Accuracy. Did the binding during the 7th & 8th innings and listened to the game on the radio.


I may stay in my sewing room and just listen to the game tonight. It the game goes into extra innings again there won’t be anytime to sew after the game.

Pop over to Jo’s Country Junction to see how others are doing the UFO they’ve picked to finish before the mystery starts.


What’s On My Design Wall

dw1012-1This weekend I started working on the last shirting backing then I got distracted by a new quilt (it’s on the Crazy Challenge II list so it’s OK). I think I still would have been OK, if I had then focused on one or the other, instead I messed with both and didn’t get either finished.  Since I’m setting aside Tuesday’s to work on Sew Scrappy, I’m not sure what I’m going to do today after work — finish piecing the last two blocks and put the border on the new quilt, finish piecing the backing, start cutting more squares from my shirts to make a quilt backing for the new quilt, or baste one of the Disappearing 9-Patch quilts.  Perhaps a nap is in order.

dw1012-2I’ve got the last two blocks ready to stitch together, shirt squares at the ready and my tumbler L/Es handy.

See what others are working on by hopping over to Patchwork Times.


What’s On My Design Wall


I sometimes wonder what triggers my productivity. I started this quilt in April 2013. The flying geese like units I managed to knock out “quickly” and I started in on the 9-patches. I even took it to a quilt retreat that summer, but I can find no mention of me working on it since then until last week – although it’s been on the list of UFOs to finish for both 2014 and 2015.

Anyway, last week something was triggered and I’ve spent my sewing time working on the quilt top. It’s a similar feeling to when I finally was able to knock out Orca Bay – only this time, I’ve known all along who I’m giving the quilt to.

So, what have I accomplished. #1 figuring out where I left off.  #2 sewing and cutting all of the strip sets for the 9-patches. Now I’m working on the strip sets for the 25-patches. I get up and press after I sew 10 strips. Hopefully this will keep me from getting stiff and it allows me to stitch another leader/ender. For the moment I’m using another part of the quilt as my leader/ender



Perhaps next week I’ll have a quilt top to show.

In the meantime, see what others are working on over at Patchwork Times..

New Starts


What good does it do me to finish quilts off my UFO list if I’m just going to start more? Yes, I’m being a good girl and counting this as three quilts.  I’m making Disappearing 9-Patches using recycled shirts. Each quilt will have a different center square.  The orange one will be roughly 65″ x 80″ for a twin bed and the other two will be roughly 80″ x 95″.

For each quilt I’m cutting 4 squares from each quilt. Some of the fabric is in all of the quilts, some is just in two of the quilts, and I think there is at least one shirt that I  just had enough to cut 4 squares. My squares are cut 5-1/2″.


While I’m at it, I’m also cutting fabric for Rectangle Wrangle from Bonnie Hunter’s Scraps and Shirttails II. I started cutting these back when I was finishing up Checkerboard Plaids and starting Nifty Thrifty and now have 101 strips and I think only 1 is a duplicate.  But I have a way to go, I need at least 300 strips, so perhaps I should have been cutting 2 from each shirt.

Well, these three bring my UFO Count to 64. Perhaps I can find something small to finish over the long weekend.

What’s On My Design Wall


As I mentioned late Saturday night, I’ve gotten distracted. Vicki at Field Trips in Fiber suggested sending smaller quilts (48″ x 60″) to her quilt club would be a win-win. A veteran’s hospital would get a quilt and the UFO count could be reduced. I checked my spreadsheet and found one quilt top which was waiting on borders, and I found two partial block sets.

From the block sets and a couple of orphan blocks, I made the quilt top pictured above. The 2nd quilt top is on the design wall waiting for the sashing.



As soon as I get these in the mail, I’ll cross them off my “To Be Quilted” list and reduce the number of my UFOs (“Quilts In Progress” + “To Be Quilted”) by three. Then it will be back to the graduation quilt.

See what others are working on over at Patchwork Times.


Side Tracked


This is my Blue Ridge Beauty re-worked.  Previously it was two rows longer and needed borders, additional blocks or both. But I found a group who is looking for smaller quilts tops – 48″ x 60″ – so I removed a couple of rows and it now measures 48″ x 60″. I’ll move this top to the “To Be Quilted” list so I can record the ‘finish’ and then cross it off, reducing the number of UFOs. The two rows of removed blocks are now in the orphan block box.

I then pulled out the Red, White & Blue sampler blocks and the Victory Quilt blocks and found a few blocks in the orphan block box. With a bit of framing and sashing, I’ll be able to get two more of these smaller quilt tops.



As for the graduation quilt, it’s been gathered up and is now sitting in a million pieces on the corner of my desk.



Another UFO Bites the Dust


Last year I was making black and white 4-patches with the intention of making Bricks & Stepping Stones, but then there was quilt-a-long for Jared Takes A Wife and I repurposed the 4-patches.

I quilted this with the panto “Floral Meander” using Transitions Variegated thread #41062 – Primary Explosion in the top and a burgundy bobbin thread. The batting is Hobb’s Tuscany Collection.



The quilt is bound with Susie’s Magic Binding – the same green as the sashing with a touch of the pink showing.

After washing the quilt measures 65″ x 77″.

While I was at it I also made a pillowcase.



I’ll link this finish up to:

Now on to those stars!


What’s On My Design Wall

Yesterday I put my Star-A-Day blocks up on the wall just so it wouldn’t be empty this week. Not that I didn’t work on other things last week (Scrappy Trips and “matching” pillowcase). Since the first of the month I’ve completed 8 new stars. I think I need to kick it in gear since I would like to make about 45 this month.


On the ironing board is Jared Takes A Wife.  I’m off to quilt it later this morning.


The Christmas BOM is the big news.  Saturday I got the borders on the quilt!  I’ve found the backing fabric in my stash.  Now I just have to figure out how I’m going to quilt it and what color thread to use. Needless to say, this quilt top is going to have to age a bit.


See what others have been up to by following the links over at Patchwork Times.

A Treadle Project



Scrappy Trips was completely made on my treadle machine “Miss Florence Jane“. Everything from piecing the blocks, assembling the quilt top, piecing the quilt backing, the quilting itself, piecing the binding and attaching the binding – both front and back to the quilt was done on the treadle. The only thing I didn’t do on the treadle was stitch the label down. I did that by hand.

I used Scrappy Trips, a Bonnie Hunter pattern for the blocks, and then set them as one big trip.

The quilt tops was started April 4, 2013 and I finished the top January 11, 2014.  I started the quilting on January 10, 2015 and put the last stitch in the label on January 15, 2015.

The washed quilt measures 68″ x 90″.  I used Hobb’s Heirloom Natural Cotton Batting. I used a khaki colored thread on the top and a white thread in the bobbin.  The binding is red with a gold flange. I used Susie’s Magic Binding.  The backing was pieced from two 60″ wide lengths of this Kansas City Chiefs fabric which came from Mom.



I’ll link this finish up to: